Olsburg Lutheran Church
Pastor Kaylie Ines


Hwy 16, Olsburg, Kansas
Church email olc@olsburglutheran.org
Pastor Kaylie's email pastorkaylieines@gmail.com


This week...

February 12 Council Meeting 7:00 pm

Coming up...

February 23 Fellowship breakfast 8:00 am

Newsletter by e-mail
If you would like to receive the newsletter electronically to help reduce printing costs, please send your email address to Shelly at sburklun@ksu.edu.
Current and past newsletters are also available on the website.

Prayer Chain
The Prayer Chain enables the congregation to be better informed on the prayer needs of the church. Please email webmaster@olsburglutheran.org or Luellen if you would like to be part of the prayer chain.
If you would like to be included for prayer or know of someone who would like us to pray for them, please call or email Luellen or e-mail webmaster@olsburglutheran.org

E-mail announcements and items for the bulletin or newsletter to Shelly at olc@olsburglutheran.org or sburklun@ksu.edu. You may also leave a message on the church answering machine or put the information in the Parish Coordinator's box at church.

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Last updated February 8, 2025